
Luke Liu

我從2010年開始,有超過十年的平面和影片攝影經驗。能夠主導商業棚拍以及廣告和劇情短片。作品Everything Rises (2019) 曾獲得台北48小時電影比賽首獎,荷蘭Filmapalooza電影節最佳動作設計,入選坎城影展短片角落。平面作品有獨立出版「新陳」一書,以及「代謝」個展。現居紐約,繼續從事影像創作。

  1. The work“Everything Rises” (2019) won the best cinematography in Taipei 48-hours film competition, and the best choreography at the Filmapalooza Film Festival (2020) in Netherlands, and was selected in the short film corner of the Cannes Film Festival (2020).
  2. Photography works include:
    • (1) independent publication of the book “新陳” (2014);
    • (2) solo exhibition “代謝” (2014).
  3. Now lives in New York and continues to engage in video and photo creation.